“And the day came,
when the risk
of remaining tight in a bud
was more painful
than the risk it took to blossom”
Anaïs Nin
I practice body-psychotherapy, mainly according to the approach of the HAKOMI method. I consider body, mind and soul to be inseparably connected. For psychotherapy, this means that we can gain important information for the therapeutic process from the body. In addition, new insights or developmental steps can often only be properly internalized when they can also be experienced through the body.
In the HAKOMI method, the concept of inner mindfulness plays a central role: opening ourselves to the feelings and sensations of the present moment. The feelings, thoughts or body sensations that are present right now can often provide access to very deep themes and structures. If, by practicing inner mindfulness, we increasingly succeed in taking a step back and adopting the attitude of an inner observer, this can lead to a feeling of greater inner freedom and give us more tools to handle difficult situations.
My work is part of the tradition of humanistic methods. For me, this means above all an encounter at eye level, based on a deep respect for my clients. Furthermore, I consider us human beings to be the product of our experiences: We are who we are, because we have had certain experiences and lived in certain environments. We have developed strategies to deal with difficult situations; some of them have even ensured our survival. For this they deserve our respect and recognition.
If some of these strategies are no longer useful to us today or even seem to stand in the way, my aim is not to get rid of them. Instead, we develop new perspectives and additional possibilities for action together, so that a different, freer attitude towards life can slowly emerge.
In my therapeutic work, I pay special attention to attachment issues. Many psychological injuries stem from early attachment experiences and often manifest physically. I believe that positive attachment experiences have a healing effect on soul, mind and body and are a crucial aspect of the therapeutic process.
“And then you also have to have time just to sit there and look around.”
Astrid Lindgren
Ada Mielentz
Gaußstraße 13d
22765 Hamburg
My office is located at ground level
You can arrange an initial
consultation at any time to
clear up further questions.
Body psychotherapy
Holistic approach
Mindfulness centered methods
Attachment-focused psychotherapy
LGBTQIA+ friendly